I encountered the following trying to split up a long proof into pieces.
seems like, the scaffolding is still able to check for correctness but
the overall answer checker returns "incorrect". Can you help me out?
The error message I receive reads:
WeBWorK Warnings
WeBWorK has encountered warnings while processing your request. If this occured when viewing a problem, it was likely caused by an error or ambiguity in that problem. Otherwise, it may indicate a problem with the WeBWorK system itself. If you are a student, report these warnings to your professor to have them corrected. If you are a professor, please consult the warning output below for more information.
Warning messages
Argument "Sei \\(p = a_0 m_0 + a_1 m_1 \\in \\mathcal{P}_1\\) und..." isn't numeric in array slice at line 278 of [TMPL]/macros/draggableProof.pl
Best wishes,